Technology Inspiration for Lockdown

Undoubtedly, we are all experiencing the COVID Lockdown we now find ourselves in differently. There is concern over the health and wellbeing of family and anxiety over the future for our jobs and businesses. Some, notably Key Workers, are under more pressure, stress and likely busier than they have ever been. Others may have been Furloughed or for other reasons find themselves with more time on their hands and looking for some inspiration. If that is you I hope there is something here to help.
I was reading back through past interviews with our Technology Chiefs this week and my attention was drawn to the books they recommended. I was struck by the huge variety of genres and topics, certainly not just business and technology leadership topics that might be expected. I have picked a few to highlight here which may spark your interest and provide some enjoyment during these difficult times.

1) What Technology Wants by Kevin Kelly
Radu Sora recommended this book in one of our earliest Technology Chiefs interviews and it is certainly a deep and philosophical look at the place that technology has in our world. One for you if you want some challenging and reflective views on technology.

2) The Hard Thing about Hard Things by Ben Horowitz
This book was one of two highlighted by Paul Cutter during his interview (the other one being The Phoenix Project by Gene Kim). At the time Paul said he liked the fact that it was based on real experience about business and leadership, not just the management theory and was brought to life by the telling of stories.

3) The City and The City by China Mievielle 

The final one of my three moves away from the business book genre. Marko Balabanovic described this as one of “the best science fiction novels of recent years”. Certainly, it is an award-winning book that is billed by Amazon as a murder mystery taken to dazzling metaphysical and artistic heights.
I hope there is something in these 3 books that will prompt you to take a look. If not, then why  have a look back through some of the past interviews for yourself as there are many more good books that might be more your thing. In the meantime I hope you and your loved ones stay safe and well and look out for a brand new Technology Chief interview coming very soon.


Interview With Stuart Birrell